Naive Bayes Explained
Naive Bayes Explained: A simplification of the Bayes Theorem for Machine Learning applications. Learn all about it with this article!
Naive Bayes Explained: A simplification of the Bayes Theorem for Machine Learning applications. Learn all about it with this article!
Brilliant, funny…the best statistics teacher you never had! Naked Statistics Review: The following is a review of the book by Charles Wheelan (Twitter here). Al...
Learn statistics while having fun: an amusing, clear, and concise overview The Art of Statistics review – The following is a review of the book by David S...
Bayes Rule: One of the most important concepts of probability and its use in Machine Learning. Learn all about it!
Get to know the book Statistical Rethinking, one of the best introductions to Bayesian Statistics! The following is a review of the book by Richard McElreath. R...
Probability for the Enthusiastic Beginner: The following is a review of the book by David Morin. Review Probability for the Enthusiastic Beginner is a great boo...