The most practical way to learn Python.

The following is a review of the book No products found. by Al Sweigart (Twitter account here)
Review of Automate The Boring Stuff with Python
Automate the boring stuff with Python is an awesome book for learning how to program in this amazing language. We love it. Let us explain why.
It is by a big difference one of the most practical books about Python programming that we have found, along with Python Crash Course. While it is useful to have insights about all the different data types, how programs are executed, and the Python philosophy, for some people the fastest way to become proficient at something is by actually doing it. If you are one of those doers, and you are looking to learn Python, this is the book for you.
It requieres no previous programming knowledge, and I adventure myself you will most enjoy this book if you have done none or very little programming before, as you will discover the amazing things that can be done with it. After the most initial chapters that will teach you the main elementos of Python that you need to get up and coding, every chapter is oriented towards an specific task.
You’ll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand and once you’ve mastered the basics of programming, you’ll create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation.
After reading this book you’ll realise how many of the things you are tediously doing in your day to day interactions with computer can be sped up with simple Python scripts. These include tasks like searching for text across multiple files, operating with files and folders, surfing the web and even scraping it, sending automatic mails, joining PDFs, and much more!
Each chapter is laid out in a progressive and guided manner (all while coding), and at the end a practice exercise will test how well you understood what you have just learned. Lets take a look at the contents of the book.
You can find a video review of the book here:
Also, the following series of video lectures goes through almost every chapter of the book in a practical manner with very pedagogical videos by the author. Also, you can find the books official website here.
Contents of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python

Summary of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
Don’t spend your time doing work a well-trained monkey could do. Even if you’ve never written a line of code, you can make your computer do the grunt work. You can learn how to do this while also learning all the fundamentals of Python programming with Automate the boring stuff with Python.
It is a beautifully crafted text that text leads you gently through a clear and concise introduction to the key issues necessary to using Python, whilst guiding the reader towards quality software development. It is a pleasure to read and provides plenty of examples for the user to try. It is Fun to read and easy to work through and we definitely recommend it as a first face to face with programming in Python.
No products found.
Check out our other Python books here: Python Programming Books.
Also, if you are looking for a course instead of a book, we have an amazing category on Python Programming Online Courses.
Additional online resources to learn elegant and awesome Python are:
- PEP8 Python Style guide.
- Kaggle Learn Python Tutorials.
- Real Python programming guides.
- Code Wars: code code and code.
- DataCamp Python Courses.
If you liked this review, other similar books to learn Python for beginners are:
- Python from the very beginning
- Think Python: How to Think like a computer scientist.
- Architecture Patterns in Python.
Thank you for reading How to Learn Machine learning and have an awesome day!
Tags: Automate the boring stuff with Python, Python Programming Books, Python for Beginners, Best Python Programming Book.
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